black and white bed linen

Apartamentos, cabañas, toures y vehiculos para alquiler

Explora lo mejor de Santa Marta con nuestros servicios de gestión de alojamientos y tours.

Precios justos y responsabilidad con nuestros clientes


Reserva con nosotros

Propiedades vacacionales

Apartamentos y cabañas


Toures Turisticos

Minca, playas, palomino

Vehiculos de Alquiler

Motos y carros

Bienvenidos a Hospedar Santa Marta

Somos una agencia dedicada a la gestión de alojamientos y tours vacacionales en la hermosa ciudad de Santa Marta, ofreciendo experiencias únicas y memorables a nuestros visitantes.

The image features a storefront at night, prominently displaying a sign with the words 'Happy Address' and 'Vacation Rentals' in bright yellow letters on a red background. Below, a large advertisement with the slogan 'Happy Address is where you feel happy' is visible, alongside logos of companies such as TripAdvisor, Airbnb, and Expedia.
The image features a storefront at night, prominently displaying a sign with the words 'Happy Address' and 'Vacation Rentals' in bright yellow letters on a red background. Below, a large advertisement with the slogan 'Happy Address is where you feel happy' is visible, alongside logos of companies such as TripAdvisor, Airbnb, and Expedia.



Clientes satisfechos

Experiencia garantizada

Solicita una cotización

Estamos aquí para ayudarte con tu alojamiento y tours vacacionales.

An aerial view of a resort with several red-roofed villas nestled among lush greenery. A large, winding swimming pool runs through the complex. There is also a water park section featuring multiple pools and slides. The resort is located near a body of water, possibly a lake or sea.
An aerial view of a resort with several red-roofed villas nestled among lush greenery. A large, winding swimming pool runs through the complex. There is also a water park section featuring multiple pools and slides. The resort is located near a body of water, possibly a lake or sea.